Monday 22nd July opens 1pm – Monday 29th July closes 12pm
7 Nights Cost £12 (per unit night)
Stewards: Derek, Angela, Andy and Lynne - 07742956104/07548712901
Advance booking essential 07742956104/07548712901
Mount Terrace
North Yorkshire
YO18 8JH
On entering Pickering centre foll signs for Steam Trains. Go past station, 1st L over x-ing. Site over to R behind closed gate.
Map reference
Event number
Other Information
Ground sheets are not allowed.
This is a busy market town, ideal for North Yorkshire Moors and the coast.
You can walk into town and enjoy a drink and a meal.
Visit the museum and Castle, or catch the steam train.
No ground sheets.
Advance booking essential 07742956104/07548712901
Fresh Water
Refuse Disposal
Waste Disposal